Sweet Pecan Challenge
Join us for a competition showcasing the best in pralines, pecan cookies, pecan cakes, and pecan pies. Our judges, DD Breaux, Melissa Smith, and Nancy Bergeron, will be judging each entry, with $50 awarded to the winner of each category. 20% of all sales will benefit the Pointe Coupee Health Services Foundation. Register by February 26 to secure your spot!
Contest Rules
Participants may enter one or more of the following: pralines, pecan cookies, pecan cake, and pecan pie.
Selling begins at 2:00 PM until all items are sold or at parade start.
All entries must be pre-baked and ready for judging.
Contestants must register by February 26 to secure their participation.
Judging will take place from 1:30 PM to 2:00 PM.
Contestants may begin setting up at 1:00.
Judging takes place at the City of New Roads Council Room, located at 211 W. Main St., New Roads.
Tables provided for all pre-registered contestants.
Contestants may only sell items that were entered into the contest for judging.